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2-3 Years: Is Your Child Meeting Their Speech and Language Milestones? What You Need to Know.

Victoria King Erb

What are the speech and language milestones for a child ages 2 to 3 years old? Below we will review the following: key vocabulary terms when discussing speech and language milestones, milestones expected in the age ranges 2-3 years, and examples or clarification for each milestone.

Key Terms:

Speech & Language Milestones: the speech, language, and hearing skills that most children (90%) will demonstrate by identified ages

Speech: how we say sounds and words - articulation, fluency, or voice

Language: the words we use and how we use them to share ideas and get what we want.

  • Receptive Language: the ability to understand/comprehend language (following directions, vocabulary, sentence comprehension)

  • Expressive Language: the ability to express self using language - by gestures, sign language, verbally, or a communication device (vocabulary, grammar)

  • Pragmatic Language: the use of appropriate communication in social situations

Speech and Language Milestones: 2-3 years old:

Understanding (Receptive Language):

  • Says their name when asked.

  • Answers questions like “What do you do when you are sleepy?” or “Which one can you wear?”

Talking (Expressive Language):

  • Uses word combinations often but may occasionally repeat some words or phrases, like baby – baby – baby sit down or I want – I want juice.

  • Tries to get your attention by saying, Look at me!

  • Uses some plural words like birds or toys.

  • Uses –ing verbs like eating or running. Adds –ed to the end of words to talk about past actions, like looked or played.

  • Gives reasons for things and events, like saying that they need a coat when it’s cold outside.

  • Asks why and how questions.

Speech Sound Development:

  • Correctly produces /p, b, m, h, w, d/, and /n/ in words.

  • Correctly produces most vowels in words.

  • Speech is becoming clearer but may not be understandable to unfamiliar listeners or to people who do not know your child.

Check out our other parent resources and blogs about how to help enhance and grow your child's speech and language skills during these specific age ranges.

If you are concerned about your child's speech and language development - some of the next steps you can take include:

  • contacting your child's pediatrician (ask for a referral for a speech and language evaluation)

  • contacting your local regional center to see if your child could be assessed

  • contacting a local speech therapy private practice that specializes in early language development


ASHA. (n.d.). Communication milestones: 2 to 3 years. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.


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